Fattened for Slaughter
God made this world a rich place, full of good things which bring us joy. Sin makes us ungrateful and insensitive. We think that we deserve to gobble up the good things around us without thanking God or considering those who work hard to provide them to us – like the rich women of Amos’ time, who ate and drank without a care in the world.
Jesus is the opposite. Not only did he care for the poor and oppressed; in obedience to his heavenly Father, he sacrificed the joys of this world, so that we who trust in him can feast with him in eternal glory.
Question: How are you tempted to live for the real but temporary physical pleasures of this world? How can you refocus on the eternal joys of living with Christ in glory? In light of those eternal joys, how can you use your resources to benefit those who have less than you?
Prayer: Thank you, Lord God, for the good pleasures of this world. We’re sorry for our tendency to feed ourselves with your gifts while ignoring you and forgetting about those who have less than us. Thank you for your Son, who lived not for this world but for eternity. Make us more like him – grateful, obedient, and generous. Amen.