3 day plan

Nourishment - Part 2

As mums we spend so much time making sure our children are nourished physically and emotionally. How do you make sure that you are also nourished? Moments for Mums: Encouragement for mums in the midst of the beautiful mess of parenting and life. Presented by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Australia. Find out more about MOPS Australia at mops.org.au or connect with us on social media.

Author: Sheryl O’Sullivan
Sheryl was a MOPS mentor and speaker for 5 years. She is married with four grown-up kids, who have so far produced 19 children. She loves her current roles as a primary school chaplain and children’s minister. While there are no children living at home, there is still plenty of opportunity to change nappies, read stories and build into the lives of the many children and mums in her life.
