Reflections: This is a great practical list for giving: Giving food, drink, inviting strangers, giving clothes, visiting the sick and the imprisoned. Some people say to me, I don’t know what God has called me to do. I always say, God has already spoken to us in his Word. This is a list of what he’s commanded all of us to do. He’s also commanded us in Matthew 28 to preach the gospel to all creation. These two things go hand in hand. William Booth, who started the Salvation Army, followed the mission: “Soup, Soap and salvation.” What a simple mission! Who can you care for practically today? Don’t just care for their physical needs, share the gospel with them as well!
Prayers: Lord Jesus, send me to the poor, give me boldness to not just care for the physical, but the spiritual as well. Give me the right words to say, in Jesus’ name, Amen.