Reflections: One of my relatives used to discourage me from giving to the poor. He used to say, “Charity begins in the home.” He would say that I’d never make a difference in the world, so I might as well get a real job, because being a Pastor wasn’t ever going to change anything! I told him the story of the Starfish. Where a boy was throwing starfish back in the ocean, after thousands had been beached. Someone challenged him and said he’d never make a difference. He said, “I did for that one,” as he saved one more… Let’s not be hardhearted or tight-fisted. How can you make a difference today?
Prayers: Father God help me be openhanded and generous to the poor. If there’s any greed or selfishness in me, please set me free from those ways. I want to serve you, as I serve others Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.