3 day plan

Refreshing - Part 2

Motherhood can feel relentless and have us running on empty at times. Add in the rest of life and it is easy to get to a place of feeling exhausted and soul weary. God meets us in those moments and offers refreshing for our souls. Moments for Mums: Encouragement for mums in the midst of the beautiful mess of parenting and life. Presented by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Australia. Find out more about MOPS Australia at mops.org.au or connect with us on social media.

Author: Jodi Koepke
Jodi is the Managing Director for MOPS Australia. She spends her days sharing words of encouragement for women in leadership, finding her way through the beautiful mess of parenting and relationships, and geeking out on technology. She is the author of the book 'Stepping Up In Leadership', a speaker and a podcaster (Inspiritment from Jo Koepke).
