Reflection: In the last three days, we have heard from Paul and James about the imperative to pray, and in the Old Testament, Ezra, laying the groundwork for a time of communal prayer by the children of Israel. In this passage we hear directly from God himself, who has appeared to King Solomon in a dream.
God wants to hear from us. Do you have a prayer discipline?
If you don’t, can I encourage you to establish one, as it is the only way you can truly stay connected in your faith to God and understand his call on your life.
Here are my tips for creating that routine:
– Establish a place of prayer. It doesn’t matter where it is, but for you it is your go-to place.
– Have a time of prayer. Arrow prayers are ‘anytime anywhere’, but to build that deep relationship with God, you want to aim for a daily prayer time.
– Have a pattern of prayer. Let prayer saturate your heart and mind. Enable silence to be part of your prayer time. “Be still and know that I am God.” In that stillness you will hear the Holy Spirit, guiding you, bringing you wisdom and clarity.
As Christians, we want to be utterly dependent on the Holy Spirit. However, we cannot hear the Spirit if we are not coming before God in regular prayer.
Prayer: Come Holy Spirit, come. I offer my life to you this day. Let me live each minute as you would have me live. Fill me with your fruit. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your forgiveness. May I honour you in all that I do. Amen.