Reflection: No doubt you have seen that toxic condition that invades all groups when we drop our guard. What is it called? It has many names. Gossip. Rumour. Entitlement. Narcissism. Dogma. Hurt. Jealousy. Selfishness.
We see it in church congregations. In parent bodies. On community and corporate boards. In voluntary associations. In the workplace. It is the destroyer of unity and it brings something ungodly – it brings disorder!
How do we build or rebuild unity?
God tells us that everything starts with the heart. Who is responsible for the condition of your heart? You are. We have seen people behaving badly during the changes to the way we live and work. What role can you play in lifting up those around you rather than adding to the negativity and fear that can fill the air? Our God is a God of peace. That is what we yearn for right now. How can you bring peace to those around you?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive me when I contribute to disunity. Help me to be ready to seek forgiveness and contribute to the repair. For you God are the God of peace. Help me to always work for peace. Amen.