Reflection: Christ’s call ‘not to worry’, is not about having an absence of worries. The focus of the passage is not worrying about the material things of life. We are called to capture the vision of the Kingdom of God, where all join in working for the common good, just as the early Church lived out and which we hear about in Acts. As we so often see in natural disasters, communities rally together to look after those in need. This is perhaps a natural embracing of being made in the image of God.  May we all find ways to be generous in our giving of ourselves and our resources as we seek to live the love of Jesus into the world.
Today, Christ,
We are worried,
For there are many troubles,
More than enough,
Which so many are facing.
We are not seeking more stuff like food and clothing to add to what we already have,
But we pray for those who do not have enough,
Those continuing under the oppression of poverty,
Those facing an uncertain future in the wake of natural disaster,
And drought.
We are worried for those whose lives might be lost,
Those who are potential victims of suffering,
And those who are prepared to lay down their lives to serve and save others.
We are worried for those whose grief is great,
And whose mental health and wellbeing is under threat.
So, trying not to be anxious,
We name our worries,
We are thankful for your presence and compassion,
And that you are at work in the world.
We bring all these people and worries to you in prayer and petition,
Looking to your peace,
Which passes all understanding,
To guard our hearts and minds in this trying time.
This day, we pray.