14 day plan

What the World Needs Now (here's a clue: more than love)

Day 9 of 14



To be a public Christian can feel like being a lamb led to the slaughter — particularly in our public square where hectoring prevails, and name-calling is rife. It seems harder than ever to make the case for Christ in a world that, at best, thinks Christianity is irrelevant and, at worst, believes it to be public enemy number one.

It’s good to remember, then, that we follow a crucified Lord who shows us that in weakness is strength, in humility is power. So, if we are ever invited to speak, we don’t need to dominate but persuade by offering the truth in love. All the more reason, then, to be full of grace when we engage with others: by being truthful, thoughtful, gentle, and charming (‘seasoned with salt’) — if you can manage it. That might be a way to ‘make the most of every opportunity’ that arises.

Think of the last time you spoke about a thorny issue with a nonbeliever. What went wrong? What went right? How might you approach a similar situation in future?


Our loving Father, give us the words with which we can speak gently and humbly of your love and grace to a world in need. Sow in us a spirit of friendship and peace so that others may glimpse your love through our words and conduct. Amen.