14 day plan

Walking with Jesus

Day 13 of 14


Reflection:  Jesus’ initial reaction to this Canaanite woman is shocking. He pushes her away because she is a foreigner. We expect Jesus should always be available and always willing to heal, especially as his saving power will one day be offered, not just to his own people the Jews, but to the whole world.

But he is more than an itinerant faith healer. He has a more urgent objective – to die in Jerusalem as King of the Jews. His focus is on Israel for now.

However, he does relent, responding to a mother’s pitiful cry for her child. Perhaps also he admires her spunk in persisting.

To those of us involved in helping people, this incident represents a common dilemma – people’s immediate needs often compete with our good longer-term strategies. Jesus’ response is a model for us. As focused as he is, he is not bound by his program. He chooses compassion.

Where do you feel the tension of people versus programs?

Prayer:  Soften my heart, Lord, at the same time as you keep me focused. I want to learn from you and show others your love. Amen.