14 day plan

The Gospel Centred Leadership

Day 7 of 14


Reflection: Idolatry        

Idolatry is perhaps the most powerful framework against which leaders must guard their own hearts. Broadly defined, idolatry is turning an otherwise morally good and legitimate desire into an ultimate and ruling desire of our lives. In so doing, when we engage in idolatry we launch a coup d’état, dethroning the Creator God from his rightful place as ruler of our lives and installing our desires as the new illegitimate ruler. The Idol.

We are created to worship something or someone at any given time. Whatever captures our desire will demand sacrifices of our time and energy.

The lessons for leaders are quite obvious. Think about how we approach our career, for example. To meticulously plan for career success is a commendable thing, but to make it our prime goal in life such that we sacrifice our spouse and children would engage us in idolatrous worship to Mammon, the god of wealth.

In doing so, we are no different from the ancient Greco-Roman people who worshipped their idols, making sacrifices to procure the blessings and remove curses. The risk is that we begin to worship our career as a god-substitute or idol, rather than worshipping the Creator God as the source of our happiness, meaning, and purpose.

Prayer:  Sovereign Lord, our leadership decisions and actions can be bent out of shape because of idolatrous desires. Open my eyes to be aware of these schemes of the devil. But much more importantly than that, turn my eyes to Jesus, and these desires will grow flat in comparison to his glory.