18 day plan

Stormy Waters

Day 17 of 18


Reflection: Death was God’s response to two things. Firstly, it was God’s judgement on the sin of humankind. (God has a zero tolerance of evil, and his one answer to it is to kill it off.) Secondly, death saves us from living forever in our sinful state—for which we should be profoundly grateful.

Biologically, it is also a rather handy thing as it clears the planet of old fossils like me and makes room for the next generation.

But the fact remains; death represents a very imperfect reality. There is an obscenity about it. It is not the final glorious victory. That’s why the apostle Paul writes that all of humankind and all of nature (which also experiences death) is waiting to be redeemed by God (Romans 8:18-23).

Death is the final enemy that will be defeated by God. That is a certainty. Therefore, we can rejoice with the apostle Paul and say, “Where, O death, is your sting?“ (1 Corinthians 15:55)

Prayer:  Dear Father, you have said the death of your saints is “precious” to you. These are words of such comfort, for they speak of your love. Thank you for encouraging me with them.