18 day plan

Stormy Waters

Day 1 of 18


Reflection:   Mine is the story of an ordinary person in the grip of an extraordinary God. These devotions will not be a truth denying, triumphalist, super spiritual rave. I will be brutally real with you because I want you to be surprised and encouraged by a story of the relentless grace of God.

I have cancer. It is throughout my body. There is nothing special about that. Almost half of us will die of the disease. What is special is that I can say: The last four years I have battled the disease have been the most joyful, peaceful, miraculous, and productive of my life.

And that is the difference God makes!

When David, a shepherd boy, stood in front of Goliath, the three meter tall battle champion of the Philistine army, he had nothing going for him—other than God was with him.

And that changed everything.

Prayer: Dear Father, Don’t let me lag behind you and your purposes… or run ahead of you. Please keep me beside you so that I can know your presence and strength.