14 day plan

Stormy Waters (Part 2)

Day 1 of 14


Reflection:  A cancer journey entails grief… particularly for those close to us who must watch. Their love leaks out in tears. But is that all I can say? Can I hope for nothing, other than to sit in resignation with this bald fact?

No! The Scriptures tell us that God moves close to the broken hearted and reaches out to those who are crushed in spirit. In other words: our grief changes the actions of God. Extraordinary isn’t it… and what a comfort!

Elsewhere in the Bible, it tells us more about this aspect of God’s character. It says that God will not break “a bruised reed” or snuff out a “smouldering wick” (Isaiah 42:3 and Matthew 12:20). The weak and the broken are precious to God, and God is gentle with them.

And that’s the character of our God.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, I have such pride and joy in the character of my God. You commit to giving your comfort to the broken. It can truly be said that in your gentleness, you show your greatness.
I love that about you, Lord.  Amen.