14 day plan

Saints in Rome, Saints at Home

Day 3 of 14


Reflection:  There is nothing sentimental about God’s love. Nor is there such a thing as a sentimental saint. When Paul talks about God’s love for us he uses language of extremes: our guilt, helplessness and depravity vs. his radical, unwarranted, unreasonable, costly sacrifice. When Paul talks about God’s love in us, it’s abundant, lavish outpouring in the context of struggle and suffering.

Expect saints to bear bruises. Expect that we will stagger in the footsteps of our rescuer who was bruised on account of us. Expect also to grow in robust faith and character through sacrifice and suffering. Then, persevere in hope, what’s more, hold your head high in calm assurance…since God has given us the Holy Spirit, and through him drenched our hearts with his love. (see Romans 5:5) There is beauty in our bruises. They somehow reflect the unsentimental love of God that will never lose its colour nor fade away.

Prayer: Lord, you’ve poured your costly love into our hearts by your Spirit*, so supernaturally empower me, and your saints around the world, to choose adversity rather than deny you or your work; to make sacrifices that will further your Kingdom; and to endure suffering as your witnesses. Mature me and your church, whatever it takes, in perseverance, character, and hope.

*Romans 5:5