14 day plan

Saints in Rome, Saints at Home

Day 10 of 14


Reflection:  ‘For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all. ‘ Romans 11:32

The PC term for servant is now domestic helper and, living in a third world country for half my life, I’ve had a few. As I entered adolescence my parents thought female help more apropos so we said goodbye to our male cook. And so, came sweet Sarwar Jaan, cheerful despite poverty in every respect. She made the best spicy lunches. And she washed her brown hands very clean over the years of domestically serving us and others. By grace, God chose to open her eyes to the Good News of Jesus and in simple faith she believed. By grace, she’s washed in Christ’s blood. And because God, in his gentle grace, has rewarded her faith and goodness and welcomed her home, she’s begun washing heavenly robes for an eternity. Saint Sarwar Jaan.

But take note of both God’s gentleness and severity, says the apostle. Sober up, saints. Presume on God’s grace like rebel Israel, and you, like them, will be exscinded, chopped, and burned.

Prayer: Gentle and severe. How unfathomable are your judgements, gracious God. How un-map-able your paths. Everything is sourced in you, caused by you and purposed for you. Glory is absolutely yours everywhere and for all time!*

*Romans 11:33,36