14 day plan

Prepare Him Room

Day 5 of 14



How did Mary respond to Elizabeth’s outpouring of recognition — of the Lord, of his plan, and in her own role in it?  The Lord puts a song in her heart and his words on her lips. And she sang. Because if there was ever a time to sing, it’s now.

Mary’s song was an outpouring of devotion to God that not only revealed the nature of God, but also the inner working of Mary’s heart and her trust in the Lord. And who is this Lord whom she worshipped? He is the LORD, whom she recognised as her Saviour, who in using her, a young, unknown girl, has done great things. Mary could have resisted the Lord, resisted his call on her life, on her good name, on her comfort. Yet through his work in her, her heart expanded and prepared room for the one whom she would bear, the one who in the end would bear her sins, and ours, on the cross.


Dear Lord, help us to respond to you with obedient faith. Amen.