14 day plan


Day 10 of 14


Reflection:  There is a type of peace that comes from not being a godless fool. If the Old Testament book of Proverbs teaches anything, it teaches that a peaceable life comes (generally) from living a godly life.

This means that peace, to a degree, is something we can choose (Isaiah 57:2). It comes from choosing to live as God intended. The apostle Paul reminds us that each of us has the responsibility of choosing to live peaceably. He says, ‘as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone’ (Rom 12:17-21).

Peace is something we are called to embody and to encourage. As we said in yesterday’s reflection: we are called to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9).

Being a peacemaker requires more than sentiment. Being a peacemaker is gutsy, heroic work. The peacemaker’s task is to bring peace where there is no peace. It is the task of invading brokenness, hate, violence and injustice with love, peace, community, justice, righteousness, and hope.

What areas of life is God calling you to be a peacemaker in?

Prayer:  My dear Lord, it is staggering that you should give me choice when it comes to knowing and acknowledging your love and lordship. May I say, very clearly, that I choose to be your child. I crave the peace that you and your righteousness bring.