14 day plan

How do I know God’s guidance?

Day 8 of 14


ReflectionCheck 1 – Is it biblical?

Over  the next five days, we will be looking at five things you can do to discern God’s will.

Unsurprisingly, the first is this: check that the course of action you are considering is sanctioned by the consistent principles taught in Scripture. If a course of action is commended in Scripture, or proscribed, you have your answer. Wonderfully, God has put the principles we are to live by in “hard copy” which we have access to regardless of how we are feeling.

However, the Bible doesn’t deal with all the messy situations we have to navigate in life. That’s why we will also be looking at other factors concerning guidance in the coming days. But for now, celebrate the fact that God has enshrined principles to live by in the Bible.

When using the Bible to get guidance, we are not talking about basing a course of action on a single verse. You can make the Bible say anything by doing that! To protect against this, ensure that the proposed course of action is in accordance with the consistent principles taught by all of Scripture.

In the end, it is all about treating Scripture with integrity… and, if you do, it will ensure that you live with integrity.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank you so much for your provision of the Bible. It steadies my understanding, reminds me of hope and commissions me for meaningful mission. I treasure your words.