14 day plan

Developing Spiritual Resilience

Day 1 of 14


Series Introduction: Life has a way of wearing us down… so, how do we develop spiritual resilience — both for our benefit, and so that we might be a source of strength for others? For the next two weeks, we’ll be reading the Bible with Adam Dodds who says, “God’s desire for each Christ-follower is spiritual resilience: a steadfastness, a buoyancy, and perseverance with deep joy. 

In these devotions, Adam will show us that our spiritual resilience is enormously affected by our core beliefs about God, the world, and our own self-identity.* The goal of these devotions is to strengthen our spiritual resilience by helping nudge our core beliefs into greater alignment with biblical truth. Together, we will examine core beliefs regarding spiritual training, what God is like, a warfare worldview, and being forgiven.  

If you would like to know more after the devotions are complete, you can read more in Adam’s book, Resilient. 


“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness… For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge…” 2 Peter 1:3,5 NIV

When I started jogging recently, I could run for 12 minutes, with three ‘stretch’ breaks. Within a few months I could run for three times as long without stopping. I am the same person, but my capacity had changed. How? Training. Through training, a person can increase their capacity to do things they could not do before.

Right now, do you have the capacity to run the Christian life well? It is difficult to know, for we do not know what challenges are coming our way. As a Pastor, I have seen many Christians stumble and fall over disappointments, rejection, unemployment, a serious accident, and other life-traumas.

The good news is, God has given us everything that we need (2 Peter 1:3) in God’s gift to us of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and the Church. Through training, which requires effort (2 Peter 1:5), we can grow our capacity to run the Christian life well.

This capacity I call spiritual resilience: a toughness, steadfastness, buoyancy, a perseverance with deep joy. This devotion series is about growing our spiritual resilience.


Father, by your Spirit would you train me to run this Christian life well. Enhance and expand my spiritual resilience so that I will go the distance, with joy, and be a source of blessing to many others. Jesus, I keep my eyes fixed on you — be to me my life, my love, my all.

*BSA’s Daily Bible devotions are written by Christians who agree and are united on the centrality of the Bible, our understanding of who the Triune God is, and in affirming together the great creeds of the church. We know that not everyone agrees on every point of interpretation, and some discussions have been going on amongst Christians for many, many years. So like always, we hope you take this Daily Bible series, consider carefully God’s word as you hear Adam’s reflections on how he reads these passages concerning spiritual resilience.