14 day plan

Carry my name

Day 6 of 14


Reflection:  The Old Testament book of Daniel speaks of a time in history when evil will abound and ‘truth will be thrown to the ground.’ Whilst we need to be careful not to indulge in unhelpful speculation, there can be little doubt that one of the hallmarks of the last two decades of human history has been the loss of faith in the notion of truth.

It is sobering to read these words given that disinformation and propaganda are now routinely used by many world politicians – words designed to distract people from the truth, to sow doubt and persuade the gullible. This ploy becomes particularly effective when no other voice, other than the propaganda of the person in power, is permitted.

False claims are now also used to demonise people on social media. So, what are we to make of all this?

Sadly, this is a symptom of what happens when humanity has no anchor-point for truth and morality. It is what occurs when a civilisation turns its back on God.  When the West could offer the world Christian civility, it was generally welcomed, and its values were aspired to. Now it offers moral confusion, factionalism and post-modern chaos. Unsurprisingly, this is not seen as being so attractive.  But this is the era in which we live, so let’s agree, you and I, to carry Christ’s truth to a hurting world, and by carrying God’s name, to give hope.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, the wonders of the cosmos shout out your majesty. Please give me the skill to understand the truth you have placed in the cosmos, and the truth about your son, Jesus Christ, so that I am effective in sharing it with others.