14 day plan

All of Life Worship

Day 12 of 14


Reflection:  Showing hospitality

Frequently in this walk through life with Jesus, we have been surprised by the little things that Jesus does which we might not have noticed.

Here, we find that Jesus showed hospitality. As it comes close to the time when he will be betrayed, arrested, put on trial and crucified, he gets together with his disciples for the Passover meal.

This will be the last time they eat together.

Jesus arranges for Peter and John to prepare for the meal.

In Matthew and Mark we discover that Jesus has already organised everything beforehand: the room and the food.

In John there is the extraordinary scene where Jesus strips down and takes the position of a slave to wash their feet (John 13).

Jesus is extravagant in offering hospitality: in making others feel welcome, and feasting with them.

He is living out what he has described as the ‘feast of the kingdom of God’ in the parable of the great banquet (Luke 14:15–24).

One day we too will feast with Jesus in heaven; and in the meantime, it is good to show hospitality to others, as Jesus did.

Question:  How do you reveal Jesus’ love for others in how you offer hospitality: at home, at work, in your neighbourhood?

Prayer:  Dear God, Thank you that Jesus showed hospitality to others, and is preparing a room for us also. Help us to welcome strangers like he did, and to be extravagant in serving others.  Amen.